Creative Solutions through Art & Design
The 12 panel work, is a multi-dimensional sculpture Commissioned by
the City of St. Cloud.
Made of Coated Aluminum, The work is a visual metaphor for The Mississippi River, during the day reflecting it's environment and at night lit by high powered LED's, is usually an aqua blue, but on special occasions can be lit with alternate colors, as seen here on Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.
“Forces of Knowledge”
at SCTCC. Mechanical,
Electrical, Chemical & Creative.
Literally an oversized stack of books
straight out of a fairy tale. commissioned
for public library at the Sartell Community center.
The clock
was custom
designed & hand built with 12 functioning clocks & Westminster chime.
A collage representing an
“explosion of knowledge”, influencing
academics at SCTCC's Health & Science Program.
A free standing sculpture acts as a visual guide
through the room and as donor recognition.
MN Vikiings
Training Facility
Custom Shields
Great Shining River
Reflecting the
light of the
North Mankato
The Gift
The six diss in the brain rotate
constantly changing the composition
10 foot
1200 pound
“On the Shore of Lake George” 20' x 20' Mural at St Cloud City Hall.
“Frisbench”at LAAC. L.akevile, MN